This library provides extensions and base classes for low-level .NET framework types. In particular this includes methods extendending the Delegate and Type classes. These include:
- BadImplementationException - An exception thrown when an implementation of an interface or delegate (for example an overridden abstract method or a factory class) breaks the contract either explicitly or implicitly expected.
- Compare - Utility methods supporting comparisons between objects and values.
- DelegateExtensions - Extensions to the Delegate type. In particular a "safe" method for raising events that may have no subscribers or for which the subscribers might throw exceptions.
- Disposable - A base class implementing the Dispose Pattern in a thread-safe way.
- ExceptionManager - Provides a very simple way to route all unhandled exceptions through a single point.
- TypeExtensions - Methods extending the Type type.
NuGet Package
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This library provides extensions and base classes for low-level .NET framework types. In particular this includes methods extendending the Delegate and Type classes.